Unlocking AI Capabilities: Exploring Advanced Prompting Methods

Nima Farzin
5 min readJun 28, 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed how we interact with technology, and one fascinating aspect is how language models generate responses based on different types of prompts. Let’s explore some of these techniques in a simple and understandable way.

Zero-shot Prompting

What is it?

Zero-shot prompting is like asking someone to do something they’ve never specifically practiced before but can figure out based on the instructions given.


  • Prompt: “Translate the following English sentence into Spanish: ‘The cat is sleeping on the mat.’”
  • Model Output: “El gato está durmiendo en la alfombra.”

Best Practice:
Provide clear and concise instructions to ensure the model understands the task without ambiguity.

Zero-shot prompting allows models to perform tasks without specific training, guided solely by the clarity of the prompt.

Few-shot Prompting

What is it?

Few-shot prompting involves giving the model a few examples to help it understand how to perform a task.


  • Prompt: “Translate the following English sentences into French:
  • The cat is sleeping on the mat.
  • The dog is running in the park.”
  • Model Output:
  • “Le chat dort sur le tapis.”
  • “Le chien court dans le parc.”

Best Practice:
Use representative examples that cover different aspects of the task.

Few-shot prompting helps models generalize tasks with minimal examples, making them versatile with limited training data.

Chain-of-Thought Prompting

What is it?

Chain-of-thought prompting involves structuring prompts sequentially, where each prompt builds on the previous one, creating a coherent narrative or sequence.


  • Prompt 1: “Write a short story about a boy who finds a mysterious key.”
  • Prompt 2: “Continue the story from the previous prompt, describing what happens when the boy unlocks the door with the key.”

Best Practice:
Ensure each prompt clearly connects with the previous one for a seamless narrative.

Chain-of-thought prompting guides the generation of structured narratives by linking prompts in a sequence.


What is it?

Self-consistency involves ensuring that the model’s output is consistent with the information given in the prompt.


  • Prompt: “Describe a blue elephant with polka dots.”
  • Model Output: “The elephant has a bright blue color and is covered in polka dots.”

Best Practice:
Clearly define constraints within the prompt to maintain consistency.

Self-consistency ensures that the model’s output aligns with the specified constraints or characteristics.

Generate Knowledge Prompting

What is it?

Generate knowledge prompting involves the model generating informative and insightful responses, synthesizing information potentially beyond its training data.


  • Prompt: “Explain the concept of black holes and their effects on spacetime.”
  • Model Output: Provides a detailed explanation of black holes, including their formation and impact.

Best Practice:
Frame the prompt to encourage comprehensive and informative responses.

Generate knowledge prompting enables models to produce informative outputs by synthesizing diverse information.

Prompt Chaining

What is it?

Prompt chaining links multiple prompts to guide the generation of coherent and contextually relevant outputs.


  • Prompt 1: “Describe a setting for a fantasy world.”
  • Prompt 2: “Introduce a protagonist who discovers a hidden power within this world.”
  • Prompt 3: “Describe the challenges the protagonist faces while mastering their newfound ability.”

Best Practice:
Ensure smooth transitions between prompts for coherent storytelling.

Prompt chaining creates structured outputs by cohesively linking multiple prompts.

Tree of Thoughts

What is it?

Tree of thoughts prompting explores various ideas or narratives by branching out prompts into multiple paths.


  • Prompt: “Explore different endings for a story where the hero must choose between saving their loved one or saving the world.”
  • Model Output: Provides multiple potential endings, each with different consequences.

Best Practice:
Encourage branching and exploration of diverse ideas in the initial prompt.

Tree of thoughts prompting explores diverse ideas by branching prompts into multiple paths.

Retrieval Augmented Generation

What is it?

Retrieval augmented generation integrates external knowledge sources to enhance the relevance and informativeness of the generated outputs.


  • Prompt: “Write an essay on the impact of climate change on global ecosystems, integrating relevant scientific studies and statistics.”
  • Model Output: An essay that includes scientific studies and statistics.

Best Practice:
Specify the desired sources or types of information to be integrated.

Retrieval augmented generation enriches outputs by incorporating external knowledge sources.

Automatic Reasoning and Tool-use

What is it?

Automatic reasoning and tool-use involve prompting the model to perform logical reasoning tasks or utilize specific tools to generate outputs.


  • Prompt: “Solve the following logic puzzle: A is taller than B, but shorter than C. B is taller than D. Who is the tallest?”
  • Model Output: “C is the tallest.”

Best Practice:
Provide clear instructions or constraints for the reasoning task.

Automatic reasoning and tool-use enable models to apply logical reasoning or utilize tools for accurate outputs.

Automatic Prompt Engineer

What is it?

Automatic prompt engineer involves generating or optimizing prompts automatically to guide the model effectively.


  • Prompt: Automatically generated based on desired task specifications.

Best Practice:
Develop systems that can generate tailored prompts for specific tasks.

Automatic prompt engineer enhances the efficiency of generating effective prompts.


What is it?

Active-prompt involves dynamically adjusting prompts based on model feedback or intermediate outputs.


  • Prompt: Adjusted based on initial model outputs for further specification.

Best Practice:
Implement feedback mechanisms to refine prompts dynamically.

Active-prompt refines prompts based on feedback to enhance generation effectiveness.

Directional Stimulus Prompting

What is it?

Directional stimulus prompting guides the model towards specific stylistic or thematic directions.


  • Prompt: “Write a poem in the style of Shakespeare.”
  • Model Output: A poem emulating Shakespearean language and style.

Best Practice:
Specify desired stylistic or thematic elements.

Directional stimulus prompting aligns outputs with specific stylistic or thematic criteria.

Program-Aided Language Models

What is it?

Program-aided language models involve using programming constructs within prompts to guide the generation process.


  • Prompt: Includes programming instructions for a computational task.

Best Practice:
Provide clear programming instructions within the prompt.

Program-aided language models enable computational tasks or code generation through programming instructions.


What is it?

ReAct involves generating empathetic, emotionally intelligent, or human-like responses in social interactions.


  • Prompt: “Respond to a friend who just shared their struggles with anxiety.”
  • Model Output: A supportive and empathetic response.

Best Practice:
Frame prompts to elicit emotional responses.

ReAct prompts generate empathetic responses in social interactions.


What is it?

Reflexion involves reflecting on philosophical or abstract concepts, generating thoughtful insights.


  • Prompt: “Reflect on the nature of consciousness and its implications for human existence.”
  • Model Output: Philosophical insights on consciousness.

Best Practice:
Encourage introspection and contemplation in prompts.

Reflexion prompts generate thoughtful insights on philosophical or abstract concepts.

Multimodal CoT

What is it?

Multimodal CoT combines prompts with visual inputs to guide the generation of coherent outputs.


  • Prompt: Includes both textual and visual inputs for descriptive outputs.

Best Practice:
Integrate relevant textual and visual information within the prompt.

Multimodal CoT enhances output richness by combining textual and visual inputs.

Graph Prompting

What is it?

Graph prompting structures prompts as graphs, where nodes represent concepts and edges represent relationships.


  • Prompt: Structured as a graph of story elements and relationships.

Best Practice:
Construct a graph representing concept relationships.

Graph prompting guides generation by representing relationships between concepts.

Each of these prompting techniques leverages unique methods to guide AI models, making them versatile and capable of handling a wide range of tasks efficiently and effectively.



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